Monday, October 31, 2011

Trick or treat?

Or should that be treat or treat?

Halloween's popularity is growing rapidly. Especially in our neighborhood. We had a few door knockers before our girls hit the streets, and whilst it was not the majority, I have to say I think some kids need to work on their manners. Naturally, I drilled my kids (and the extras that came with us) on Halloween etiquette before we headed out. Steve's job was to ration out the lollies (they always seem to disappear quicker than I expect).

The kids just love Halloween. I mean really, at what other time are they permitted to collect so many lollies? The real challenge is stopping them from eating them all before bedtime. There are so many kids in our street that everyone pretty much embraces Halloween. I did give the 'young professionals' (read: uni students) a warning to be better prepared next year. We are extremely tolerant when it comes to their loud parties, you'd think they'd throw a few lollies the kids' way.

Happy Halloween!
From the She Devil, the Mummy and the Zombie Punk


  1. looks like the girls were channelling their mother !!!
    we venture out into the night in a few hours - wish us luck xx

  2. I hope the kids score lots of goodies. If Holloween is big in our little neighbourhood, I'm sure it will be HUGE over there. Are you dressing up?
