Friday, February 17, 2012

Pretty Bunting

I've got a bit of  a thing for bunting at the moment. I think it's a great way to decorate and I've found some great website where you can download cute designs for free. Of course the paper variety isn't going to last as long as fabric, but when it's cheap, easy and pretty – who cares!

I got our Christmas bunting from the folks at Team Kitten.

This Happy Birthday bunting banner was part of a complete birthday set from Draw Pilgrim.

This alphabet bunting from Ruffled can be used to spell out anything. I used it for a simple Happy Birthday!

There's also this "compliment" bunting from How About Orange – one of my favourite websites!

Google search coughed up heaps of results too!


  1. love a good bunting - Happy Birthday to Ava for this weekend xox

  2. I'll pass that on. I've kept the decorations up from Ruby's party last weekend. How lazy is that?
