That's the slogan behind the Weet-bix Tryathlon. So when Ruby decided she wanted to give it a go a week before the event I decided to back her up. It was well-timed with tri training taking place at school just days before the event. I showed her the course map online and even length of the run (1.5km) (she doesn't really like running) wasn't enough to put her off.
The night before the event I was the one who couldn't get to sleep. And the next morning I had butterflies! Ruby on the other hand, was just excited – no nerves at all. Quite a few of her friends from school were doing it too, some for the first time just like Ruby.
Yes, you'd think it was me that crossed the finish line! I was so proud of my girl :)
Ruby with Olympic shot putter, Valerie Adams.
And a few of her friends that gave it a try.
go Ruby - good to see those long legs being put to good use.... why don't you enter the iron man and give Hulme a run for her money xxx