Sunday, October 31, 2010

The games people play

We've just spent another weekend in Ruakaka playing on the beach, and stuff. Naturally, we worked up an appetite and indulged in a healthy afternoon tea – who needs a lazy Susan when you've got skateboards lying around. Here's a snapshot of what we got up to...

Beach soccer

Dune tumbling (a.k.a. sandy orifices)

The stick game (which way is it going to go?)

Uno (a serious game?)

Pass the hot Halloween pinata (and the goodies)

Four square (A fun game for the whole family. Sorry, no pic available.)

Duck feeding (meet Betty)

Candle swiping

And a strange thing we saw along the way

1 comment:

  1. looks like a fun weekend and I think you may be onto something with the skateboard serving tray - all it needs is a remote control !!!

    Ava looks soooo grown up with her bobbed hair xox
