Say it after me: "Roo-a-car-car."
We weren't really expecting much from Ruakaka. And when the weatherman predicted dismal conditions all weekend I packed indoor games for the kids and took plenty of reading matter. Geez, I even packed a DIY hair colour, that's how bad I thought it was going to be! But guess what? We were pleasantly surprised and the weatherman got it wrong (again).
We were right across the road from the beach which made for spontaneous strolls. Ava and Eadie even went for a swim and I don't need to tell you how cold it was. So cold I didn't even pack togs (it was going to be a horrible weekend remember). A spot of skateboarding was also had by a few and Steve introduced the kids to Four Square which turned out to be a fun family game.
Ruby was pretty chuffed at inheriting my old camera and spent the weekend snapping away.
To top it off, Sunday morning was spent picnicking on the patio. Bacon and eggs of course!
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