I recently made some plum jam and thought it would be great so post some pics of it bubbling away in the pot. Of course, once I got started, I forgot to take a pic. So here’s a pic of the empty pot and bottled jam instead.
Before you all start thinking I’ve gone all Martha Stewart, I have a confession. My friend Meri had been making jam with the plums she got from her neighbour’s tree. She boiled the plums, sieved them then found she had too much fruit and not enough sugar. Her original intention was to buy more sugar and use the last of the fruit puree but after the first batch was over it and offered me the puree. Well, with all the hard work done, how could I refuse. So that’s my confession, now back to the jam…
I thought it would be great to make a batch of scones with the delicious jam on top (I sooo want to by a food stylist for Donna!). Anyway, I didn’t get around to making the scones–I never was much good at baking scones and my attempts at the gluten free variety haven’t excited the troops in the past. So here is a pic of Ava with her 100th jam sandwich, dipping her fingers in the jar.
Ah, fresh jam. So fun to make and even more fun to eat.