I started writing this post quite a while ago but have only gotten around to fine tuning it now. That's why it starts with Recently...
... we decided to holiday in Sydney. I can count the number of times I have been to Sydney on one hand – it's sad, but true. In fact, the last time I was there I was pregnant with Ava and Eadie still has the scars on the top of her feet from where she slipped on the ramp going down to the beach at Bondi [sigh].
There really weren't many long faces, I just happened to capture one here.
Hanging out at the Manly beach with a few thousand of our closest friends ;)
St Mary's. My kids can count on one hand the number of times they have been inside a church. They were interested to hear me explain the stations of the cross. I guess you could say that was an Easter lesson – tick!
We just couldn't get enough of Circular Quay. It's so beautiful! Sydney was really pedestrian friendly too. Each night we were in bed by 8:30 – all of us! We were just so exhausted from pounding the pavement.
Can you see everyone in the photo (below). There are four people.
At one of the art galleries, the name of which escapes me.

I really liked the funky paint job on this building. We went to explore Oxford Street but were left feeling a bit disappointed. Apparently the rent increase has affected shop owners : (
On our last morning we had a couple of hours to kill so we went back to the Queen Victoria building on George Street. Very cool indeed.
Goodbye Sydney. We love you!
Coming soon (I hope). Part 2: Canberra.