I have been trying to snap photos of our house that make it look organised and stylish, yet comfortable and lived-in. Unfortunately there are still a couple of boxes lurking about and the walls are fairly bare [we didn't have any wall space in our last house; in this one there's plenty!].
So let the tour begin! Firstly we have the back outside area. We are making good use of it at the moment thanks to an unbelievably good Kiwi summer. Sometimes we even have Sunday BBQs on a Thursday!

Then there's the lounge room and kitchen. The walls are quite blank and the previous owners had lots of artwork so there are hooks everywhere. Steve has utilised some of them by hanging sticks – very creative[?].
This is our front room. I guess you could call it the "sitting room". I'm not sure what to do with it? We don't really use it at the moment. It gets the morning sun in winter so maybe I'll be inspired when it gets a bit cooler.
Upstairs we have the master bedroom complete with reading nook, ensuite and BIG built-in wardrobes. Oh how I love storage!
Pretty things...
The study – looking a bit dishevelled.
Bits and pieces from Ruby's room. Ruby is really developing her own style; she has quite of list of things she needs wants. This room would have been the master bedroom in the original part of the house so it's quite big with good storage.
Eadie's room is very sweet with little bits of Eadie scattered around. Of all three girls, she is the tidiest by far!
It doesn't seem to matter what I do, Ava's room always looks like a bomb has hit it. I'm thinking of getting her a loft bed but Steve thinks that will just give her more floor space to spread the crap stuff [I've been getting in trouble for swearing lately]. What do you think? – about the bed, not the swearing.