Can you believe it is one year today since we left sunny Bris Vegas bound for the greener pastures of New Zealand. Well, they actually do have
way more greener pastures that Australia but Australia is miles ahead in many other respects. But I'm not about to start comparing, as both countries have a lot to offer.
It was, and still is, our plan to make wet Auckland our home for a few years. We had initially told the girls our stay here would be three years but that was really to help them get their heads around the whole idea. And so, a year on, some of their recent comments have been:
"Wow, one whole year. That didn't take very long." – Ava
"I want to stay here for four years so I can go to ANI (Auckland Normal Intermediate) school." – Eadie
"It's been awesome bro. But seriously, it's gone pretty fast. And I love playing netball." – Ruby
Our move has bought with it some moments when each of us secretly would much rather have been back in Oz, but on the whole, I think it has been positive. Steve's job has meant that he has had to deal with pressures never previously experienced. But hey, that office with the "awesome" view of the Sky Tower and harbour bridge has to be earned! He has kept up his swimming and done "just enough" bike riding to ensure he doesn't crash and burn in the few cycling events he participates in. In his spare time he has made a couple of surfboards. This is quickly turning into an obsession and I'm a bit worried about where we're going to put them all. Each time he finishes one he knows where improvements can be made.

The girls have adjusted well. I know I've said that many times before but I really am proud of them and I think will they will be able to draw from the experience when they are confronted with challenges in the future. They've crammed loads of fun stuff into one year such as skiing, art lessons, trampolining, play ball, netball and flippa ball. Ruby and Eadie were involved in the senior school production called
Safari. I went on an excursion to Ambury Farm with Ava's class where felting was one of the highlights.

I've been "philosophising" as some of my friends here like to call it. I look forward to my weekly discussion groups and it helps me keep everything in perspective. One the hard days, it reminds me to put one foot in front of the other and just keep going. I've also been quite hands-on at school whilst still managing to avoid being on any committees. I've met some great people who have been very welcoming and have a well-established network of women who I can have a coffee with. Finally, just this week, (drum roll please) I joined a swim squad! Yeah, I know, I can hardly believe it myself.